Thursday, July 11, 2019

OneDollarBTCTeamBuild: Earn $4,950 With Our Team Over And Over With Little Efforts!

See the compensation plan below....mind blowing, isn't it

Our team is looking for those that can make the decision to achieve their financial freedom in life. We require you to participate with us and see the results live in your account and bitcoin wallet.
Do you have the following requirements: 
*$2 bitcoin in your account or can fund your account to join us.
*The zeal to make money online?
*Can you spare 20-30minutes daily to promote your business?
*Can you pif (pay for peoples upgrade) people to fast track the team success and move faster?
This is the secret to success in this program
Everyone that will join our team or has joined should take this business serious and determine to make it a success, remember your success is our success vice versa. 
Our keyword for success here is to always remember that "Let your $1 sky rocket to $4,950". Let this word keep ringing in your mind daily and push you to work it out. Please promote this blog everywhere to explain to people and your link as well. Help the team, help yourself. his way spillovers and earnings will be massive for us all.

The team need pif funds to help those who cannot afford the entry fee ($1.05), you can help the team by sending your voluntary donations to this wallet ($5 upwards, this is not compulsory but willingly): 1PFMiaA294gpL5XQ8FiVrx7TJgg65p68PX
This will help push many people upward and forward, please don't skip levels build each level an move speedily.
Please after joining, activate your stat tracking website for $1.05 bitcoin then go out and advertise massively this blog and your link to help us grow. Try to pif some if they cannot afford it.  Also try to upgrade faster with $1.05 bitcoin to enjoy massive spillover.

You must refer 2 peoples that will pay their $1.5 via this link then drop their username and yours to the comment box to get piffed. We are cycling fast daily!!! 

Our team is cycling each level daily very fast, do join us and upgrade with $1.05 bitcoin today.